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species barrier中文是什么意思

用"species barrier"造句"species barrier"怎么读"species barrier" in a sentence


  • 种间屏障


  • That animal diseases jump the species barrier from time to time is well understood
  • Experts believe that human infections can occur because the h5 strain under some circumstances is able to jump the species barrier
  • Although natural hosts are birds , the avian influenza viruses are known to cross species barriers to infect other mammals , including humans
  • Specific mutations in a iral protein , the polymerase , contribute to the ability of the bird irus to jump the species barrier to humans
  • Of the few avian influenza viruses that have crossed the species barrier to infect humans , h5n1 has caused the largest number of cases of severe disease and death in humans
    在少数能够跨越种属屏障感染人的病毒株中, h5n1在人群中引起的病例数最多。
  • Experts also fear the close contact between humans and wild animals in such markets could help unknown viruses jump the species barrier and spark deadly epidemics , such as the sars outbreak earlier this year
用"species barrier"造句  


  • species barrier 意味
  • species barrier перевод
  • species barrierとは意味種の壁、種を隔てる壁◆ある種から別の種へと病気が感染することを妨げている遺伝子に基づく異種間の障壁 Scientists first thought the species barrier would prevent BSE from infecting humans. 科学者たちは初め種の壁が BSE の人間への感染を防いでくれる[妨げる]と考えていた。
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